Registration Opens September 1st
MAY 17 & 18
Registration is OPEN
The date is approaching fast. Don’t miss out!
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The Race
KEYS100® is a 100-mile point-to-point running race from Key Largo to Key West. Both teams and individuals compete. There is also a 50-mile option from Marathon to Key West for individuals and teams and a 50-kilometer individual race from Big Pine Key to Key West. All races finish at Higgs Beach on the Atlantic Ocean in Key West.
"Ultra Sports, LLC" and race director, Bob Becker, produce and direct KEYS100® and another ocean-road race, Daytona 100, on the 2nd Saturday in December. (
Members of "TROOPER'S BAR", 2019 Relay Team Winner, receive awards from Olympian Adam Goucher
Each runner MUST have a support crew. While not advised, two (2) runners** may share one crew. There will be no aid stations or water stops along the route. Individual runners and teams are expected to be self-sufficient. There are many places along the course to re-stock supplies and purchase prepared food. The individual runner's crew will leap-frog their runner along the course, meeting every few miles at approved locations only to provide the runner with water, food, ice, changes of clothes, night gear and whatever else the runner might need during the race. The crew is responsible for getting the runner to the race start and from the finish, and to transport and care for the runner in the event the runner is unable to complete the race.
[**Allowing a shared crew is intended for runners who will be moving together most of the time. Runner separation can never be greater than one allowable Meet-Up Location ahead.
Race with friends from Key Largo or Marathon to Key West! Up to six runners may form a 100-mile team, and up to three runners may form a 50-mile team. Teams decide how many legs each teammate runs, the order in which they run and the distance. Runners do not have to stay in order nor run the same number of legs or miles. Teams decide their own race-day strategy! A list of allowable locations to exchange runners is included in "Runner Meet-Up Locations" under the "RACE INFO" website tab. A printed, final version will be included in the "2025 Race Guide", which will be posted on the website and distributed in printed form at race check-in.
Runners and relay teams will be supported by race marshals, who check for runner safety and rules compliance, medical staff located along the course and monitors at strategically placed timing stations. Sheriff's deputies assist runners and direct traffic at necessary road crossings.
The Holiday Inn, Key Largo, is race "headquarters". Check-in will take place on Friday afternoon and evening under the tiki hut next to the pool. While this location is primarily for 100-mile individual runners and teams, 50-mile runners and teams and 50-kilometer runners may pick-up here, as well, or just before their own races on Saturday morning. This is always a terrific time to see old friends and meet new ones. Orientation is online in lieu of a live pre-race meeting. (The "Orientation" video is a MUST-SEE.) In addition, a very informative, live "Experts Panel" will take place on Friday afternoon at the Holiday Inn for those interested in attending.
The 100-mile races start on Saturday morning at 5:40am at the "Divers Direct" shopping center in Key Largo, preceded by limited elite corrals. Starts are staggered with approximately twelve (12) runners in each wave. For 2025, relay teams and individual runners will start together. Assigned corrals will leave every five minutes. Staggered starts help spread-out the field along the course. START TIME SELECTION IS FIRST-COME, FIRST SERVED; THE EARLIER YOU REGISTER, THE BETTER YOUR SELECTION OF START TIME. All finish times are NET. Your clock starts when your wave crosses the starting line mat and ends when you reach the finish line.
The Marathon Garden Club is the start location for the 50-mile races. A live Q&A session will be held prior to the race start with the race director. Packet pick-up on Saturday morning prior to the race start will be drive-by only at St. Columba Episcopal Church in the block behind the Garden Club. (See the "Race Calendar" for details.) The race start will be staggered. Groups of twelve (12) runners will begin together, with a new group leaving every five minutes. START TIMES ARE FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED. REGISTER EARLY!
The Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce property in Big Pine Key will again be the location of the 50 kilometer race start at noon. Packet pick-up will be held on-site prior to the race. There will be a live Q&A session prior to the staggered race start. Fifteen (15) runners will begin at a time. Subsequent groups will leave every five minutes. 50-kilometer runners will also be required to have their own support crew--or to share one.
Timing equipment will be placed at strategic locations along the course. Locations and instructions will be provided to all registered runners.
The celebration returns! At the finish line on Higgs Beach, we host a continuing party under a huge tent, offering cooked food, adult beverages and more. Hundreds of chairs allow and encourage runners to relax, visit and swap stories. The in-person awards program will be held under that same big tent on Sunday at 11:00 am, for the 50-mile and 50-kilometer races, and at noon for the 100-mile races. Hundreds show! Join us to be recognized, receive your award, and cheer others. More than 200 awards will be presented in 2025.
Talk about spectacular! This Southernmost part of the United States is a chain of islands surrounded by the turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay/Gulf of Mexico. Picturesque and laid-back, the scene is a sub-tropical paradise ending in the City of Key West, just 90 miles from Cuba. The Keys, known locally as "The Conch Republic", feature great fishing, kayaking, snorkeling, and diving, with hotels, resorts, B&B, cuisine, and cocktails to fit every budget. There is entertainment to fit every taste, important history, unique culture, sunsets that will keep you spellbound, and special events going on throughout the year including the KEYS100, of course, and you don't need a passport to visit here! So, what are you waiting for? We've saved a space for you!
[This Dec. 2018 NY Times article highlights the Florida Keys]
The Coveted 100 Mile Individual Race Finisher Buckle
Looking for something different—with excellent bragging rights? Move up to the challenge of an ultramarathon. Race 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Big Pine Key to Key West, through the amazing scenery and colors of the Florida Keys.
Then the KEYS100® Relay Race is perfect for you—and five (or two!) of your running friends. Our relay format is a lot of fun, uniquely flexible and easy to organize. You and your mates decide your own race strategy: how many legs each team member will run and how long each segment will be, subject only to changing runners at allowable locations. Teammates do NOT have to run the same number of miles nor same number of "legs". You may even make changes to your race plan during the race. Then there is the artistic side—naming your team, decorating your team vehicle, insulting the competition! Unique, Keys-focused awards, too. Compete in a 100-mile or 50-mile race without running the entire distance yourself: the KEYS100® Team Relays.
Our sponsors do a lot to support our runners. While that support may be more visible for some sponsors than for others, each helps make KEYS100® a success. Please reciprocate by patronizing these terrific businesses whenever possible.
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Do you have questions or comments about KEYS100®? Send me an email and I will respond promptly.
Key West, Florida, United States
Bob Becker Race Director Cell: 954.439.2800 KEYS100® c/o UltraSports LLC 520 Orton Avenue #203 Ft. Lauderdale FL 33304
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